January 1, 2006
- Lighting Director: Rick C
- Video Director: Jason S.
- CG Operator: Kathy R.
- Camera 1: Mike P.
- Camera 2: Michael M.
- Camera 3: Susan B.
The Blog of the Technical Arts Ministry of Brandon, Florida. Here, volunteers can find postings of the calendar, invitations to special events and other service opportunities.
Here are the Final Crew Assignments for Christmas Eve and Morning. Thank you to all those who offered to help. Please be here before 5:00 pm if you will be serving at 5:30. Please stay if serving at both. We have some staging changes to make and will need help with that, but we will have some fun time to hang out.
Those serving at only 7:30, please be here by 7:00 pm. We also have some changes to make AFTER the last service to prepare for Sunday.
NOTE: A few of you have asked and No there is NO 11:00 SERVICE. There will be candle lighting at 7:30 pm.
If you are scheduled for either of the Christmas Eve Service times, please try to make rehearsal on Wednesday, especially Directors!