Work Day
Thank you to everyone who helped on the Gym project on Saturday. I really appreciate it. I will be looking for possibly some week night work times to finish it, probably a Thursday. If you have Thursday nights free, please let me know. It won't take a lot of time or people to finish.
New Rotation and Calendar Notes
I haven't heard anyone who wants to step down, and I am very thankful for that. I wanted to let you know of a few events before I publish the new calendar.
- December 2 - 7:00 pm - Advent Festival Program. There will be a brief (30 minute) program in the sanctuary. If anyone would like to come to run CG, cameras, lights, or video direct, I am sure the Family Life Committee would appreciate how that may enhance the evening. This is totally optional. I jus thought it would be nice to document the event. Please let me know if you can help. It would be 6:30-7:45 for the crew.
- December 10 - 9:30 AM Children's Musical. The Children will be doing many of the tech positions for the 9:30 service, so most of the "regular" crew will have a break. I would those of you who would like, to mentor and teach the kids on their positions - give them tips and pointers. There is an optional (for you) rehearsal on December 8 at 6:30, if you would like to train then, too.
- December 17, 9:30 and 11:00 am - Adult Christmas Musical. This will be the big production of the season. I will need a full crew with spots for the program. Rehearsals are Dec. 11 at 7:00 pm, Dec. 12 and 13 at 7:30 pm. The requirement is that you can make at least the 12 and 13 rehearsals. Directors must make all rehearsals. See me for a CD. Regular rotation crew will be replaced by the "special team" crew. More details to come.
- December 24 - Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve falls on Sunday this year, the services and needs for that day are as follows.
- NO 8 AM Service
- Normal 9:30 AM service with Children's feature songs.
- Normal 11:00 AM service with Two Choir features
- 7:00 PM Choir and Orchestra (3 Features). Not really a "family-targeted" service, but there will be video overflow for kids and parents. There will be candlelight.
- 11:00 PM Bells/Communion/Candlelight
- December 31 - Normal three Sunday AM Services
Crew For Sunday
Here is the crew for Sunday.
- Producer: Jared
- Lighting Director: Rick
- Video Director: Stuart
- CG: Jay
- Cameras: Ralph (all 3), Cory (8&9:30), Michael (8&9:30)