Thursday, May 31, 2007
Last Sound Seminar Rescheduled
Saturday June 9. Don't forget!
Crew For Sunday June 3 (Summer Team B)
be having communion served at all three services. See ya at 7:30!
- Lighting Dir: Jim
- Video Dir: Jared
- CG: Jay
- Cameras: Mark and Christian
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Need help for Sunday
this Sunday. Can he please have a fill-in for this Sunday? Thanks.
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3:49 PM
Crew For Sunday May 27 [Spring A]
Memorial Day with some special music at all three services.
-Lighting Director: Jared
-Video Director: Cory/Stuart
-CG: Jay
-Cameras: Ralph and Michael M.
New Rotation.
I have mailed a printed new rotation to everyone. Please hang it up where
you will see it. It has the phone numbers and e-mail address of the team on
the back.
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3:49 PM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Crew for Sunday May 20 [Team C]
the mission organization "COPA" with whom we will be participating in
mission trips to the Dominican Republic. We will also recognize all High
School and College graduates at the 9:30 am service.
* Lighting Director: Jason
* Video Director: Katie
* CG: Jay
* Cameras: Susan and Cameron (neither at 11, HELP!)
I will also be sending the new rotation in a separate e-mail. If you don't
get it, or can't open it, just count three weeks from your last turn.
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10:47 AM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Sound Seminar Part II
in the Sanctuary. Enter through the back door (by Stuart's office). If you
missed the first week, please be early so you can get up to speed.
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Tuesday, May 08, 2007
New Guidelines - New Rotation - Crew for May 13
Here are the new Technical Arts Volunteer Guidelines For Sunday Morning
Teams. Please read them and I will send the new rotation soon. If your
availability has been affected by these new guidelines, please let me know
1. Belong: Please be a "participating member" of our church by attending at
least three Sunday morning services a month, the Sunday you serve can be
included, however it only counts as one service, not three. Attendance
consistency may affect positions on "special teams" and is a requirement for
team captains. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
2. Respect: Please respect God and His house.
- Dress appropriately. Remember, you are serving in God's house, and we
honor Him by dressing professionally. No shorts, no t-shirts, and no
- No food in the sanctuary at any time. Only drinks with lids are allowed,
and only if you have a "desk" position.
- Clean up after yourself. Throw away your cue sheets, trash, etc. before
you leave.
3. Serve: Please serve your schedule.
- Please make yourself available for ALL three services, unless you have a
Sunday school class where absences counts against you (such as
confirmation). Exceptions will be few, and on a case-by-case basis.
- Please be on time. The normal call time is 7:30 am on Sunday. This gives
time to explain the elements of the service, and for questions to be asked
about the service or equipment.
- If you are not able to work your scheduled Sunday, please find a
replacement or trade with another volunteer. Also please notify Stuart as
soon as possible.
This Sunday Is Mother's Day - Team B
This Sunday, Tina Yeager will be giving the message at all three services.
Here are the crew assignments.
* Lighting Director: Jim
* Video Director: Andrew
* CG: Jay
* Cameras: Mark, Christian, open
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Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Sound Seminar & Spider Man 3 (and a surprise!)
Don't forget to sign up for and come to the Sound Seminar this coming
Saturday at 1pm in the sanctuary. Make sure you bring something to take
notes with, as Robin fills all our minds with his amazing sound knowledge!
Spider Man 3
If anyone would like to go as a group, I am planning a Spider Man 3 trip on
Sunday evening. If you are interested, please e-mail or call me. If you help
with McLane tomorrow, I'll pay for your ticket!
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Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Tech Newsletter - Crew for May 6
This is the second to last Wednesday service of the season. Please be here
at 6:15 pm to serve. And don't miss the Ice Cream Social after next week's
final service!
McLane Middle School Awards Ceremony - Thursday May 3
I could still use a couple people for this Thursday's McLane ceremony. We
need a full crew in order to do IMAG for the event. Please e-mail or call to
sign up. Call time is 6:30 pm.
Crew For Sunday May 6 - Confirmation Sunday (Team A)
Michael M. and I will be unavailable this Sunday due to confirmation Sunday.
I will be participating in the confirmation service and such with Michael as
my faith friend. If everyone who is on the team can stay to serve at 11:00,
it would be appreciated. We just need one or two more for the morning.
* Producer/Video Director: Jared
* Lighting Director: Help!
* CG: Jay
* Cameras: Ralph and Cory and HELP!
Vacation Bible School
And don't forget about Vacation Bible School, July 9-13!
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