Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Work Day - November 11, 9 AM

A work day is scheduled for Saturday November 11th, at 9 AM until 4? pm. Lunch will be provided. We will be working on projects in various buildings, but we will meet in the main Sanctuary.
The project list grows day by day. That list will be prioritized by me and will be delegated that day. I am hoping that with enough people, we can split up and be more productive that we were on the Gym Stage project. Please reply if you can come, even if you have to be late. Also, I would like to know your skills; electrical, construction, general, climbing in weird places to run wires, etc.
Please dress comfortably, but some of you may want to bring long pants and sleeves if you don't mind attics and crawl spaces. Also, please bring any safety gear you may want to wear. I have some extras, but not many. If you have your own tools (saws, drills, etc.) please bring them if you can. I recommend you mark anything cordless. I know that I have the same drill as the church does, and I don't want to mix them up. Same thing with batteries, etc.
In addition, I am looking for a little bit of "financial" help with these projects. I will be trying to keep them low- to no-cost when possible, but If you would like to donate lumber, supplies, or money, please contact me soon. We can arrange for you to drop off supplies, etc.
Thank you very much!
Stuart Mackey

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