Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Student Tech News - Fall is coming quickly!

Hey everybody,
I want to challenge all of you, students especially, to raise the bar this
fall. I would like us to do a lot more technical creative things - videos,
light, stage decorations - for Student Ministries.

It starts with you being available. I will make sure that we have the video
camera at every event, but I want YOU GUYS to be the ones shooting. And then
we need to talk about getting together once a month or so to put together
highlight videos. I'll post them up on YouTube and the blog so you can show
your friends how cool our Student Ministry really is. Mike might even let us
post his messages.

The next is coming early. I would like us to figure out some cool stage and
light designs that we can use to enhance the worship services, but that
means you guys have to be there at 2:30 pm on Sundays to get it all done
before the rest of the students show up. It may even need to be earlier if
we get really complicated.

And third, what are you passionate about that you would like to write a
video for? Or what upcoming theme night inspires you with a creative vision?
Share them with me and the team, and we can all shoot and edit it together.
Here are some of the themes coming up:

* Night of Joy
* Whip Cream Night
* Nerd Night
* and much more!

Stuart C. Mackey

Director of Technical Arts

First United Methodist Church of Brandon

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