- Lighting Director: Jim
- Video Director: Andrew
- Cameras: Mark (Not 11:00), Rick, Christian (Not 11:00),
- CG: Jay
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Crew for Sunday, Sept 3
This Sunday is the first week of the Fall Teams. We are starting with Team B.
Also, check the blog sidebar for new links. I have also updated the iCal calendar.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Crew For Aug 27 - Notes on New Rotation
Crew For August 27, 2007
This Sunday is the last Sunday of the SUMMER TEAM A.
- Lighting Director: Rick
- Video Director: Katie
- CG: Jay
- Cameras: Cory and Ralph
Notes on New Rotation
The rotation change doesn't change by the team, but by the month (beginning of September.) The new rotation is effective September 3 through November 28. Here Is a simplified list. Please e-mail me if you did not receive a copy of the rotation. New rotation Starts September 3 with TEAM B, then revolves every three weeks. I have included the first three dates for each team.
- TEAM B: Jim, Andrew, Mark, Christian (Sept. 3, Sept 24, Oct 15)
- TEAM C: Katie, Mike P, Susan, Jason (Sept.10, Oct. 1, Oct. 22)
- TEAM A: Jared, Ralph, Cory, Michael M. (Sept. 17, Oct. 8, Oct. 29)
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
News for August 16 - Crew for August 20
We are one month away from the start of Wednesday night services on September 13. They will run from 6:30-7:45 pm. It will be different from last year, there will be a lot more music and creative elements; a time to just come and be with God in worship. I would really like to build up the crew for the service. The call time would be 6:15. Please come and help out.
Crew For August 20, 2006
Here is the crew for the service. No "strange" or extra elements (that I know of yet). We will be short a camera at all three, and short A LOT of positions at 11:00. Please e-mail me if you can come in extra, or just come up to the booth before service.
- Lighting: Susan (8 & 9:30)
- Video Director: Jason (8 & 9:30)
- CG: Jay D'Errico
- Camera: Michael Merrick (8 & 9:30)
New Rotation
I will be sending the new rotation in a separate e-mail. I just wanted to to remind you all to please dress appropriately and remember these rules:
- Please remember to be in the booth ready to go over the cue sheets at 7:30 AM.
- Please be in position at least 5 minutes prior to service time.
- If you are unable to make your scheduled day, please call/e-mail other volunteers to find yourself a replacement.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Announcing the FUMC Brandon Music Store!
Support Your Technical Arts and Share Great Christian Music at the same time!
Through our partner store at fumcbrandon.songtouch.com you can buy CDs or downloads of great Christian music. You may also send "gift" songs to your friends who may need to hear some uplifting Christian music. Songtouch music uses the WMA (Windows Media Audio) file format similar to most other digital music stores with the exception of iTunes. WMA files are compatible with hundreds of media players. 5% for every $.99 download and 6% of every CD purchase is donated back to The Technical Arts Ministry.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Technical Arts News for Aug 7 - Crew for Aug 13
News for this week
Reminder that we represent the church
I have recently received comments from several individuals from both inside and outside the team on the appearance and professionalism of our team. As such, I want to re-address the expectations that I have for our team and ministry. Remember that when you come to serve, you are representing the Technical Arts Ministry of the church. Please dress appropriately for ALL church services (not just 9:30), so that you may serve in ANY position needed. Our mission is to glorify God through the creative use of the arts, and not to be a distraction with our appearance, behavior or gear. This means:
- Men - Closed toe shoes please - no flip flops
- Men - Full length pants please - no shorts (men and ladies)
- Polo or collared shirts preferred - no t-shirts with logos (use best judgment)
- Put together appearance - not the "I just rolled out of bed" look
- Please try your best to be on time, not only for the 7:30 call time, but between services as well.
New Rotation
The fall rotation is rapidly approaching and although I prefer not to move people from their team, it will be necessary this time in order to balance out the teams. Many of you are in Sunday School classes at 11:00, and so I have to make sure that I don't have an team of all people who can't work at 11:00, which "C" has become. So I would like to ask a favor of all who are on the e-mail list. If you are currently not on a team, would like to serve at just 11:00 AM ? -OR- Those who are already on a team, would you like to serve during your off weeks at 11:00 only? Please let me know if you are interested in either of these options.
Before finalizing the new rotation, I also want to confirm current volunteer availability. Please respond that your time available is correct:
- Volunteers-Captains (Every third week, 7:00 am - 12:15 pm)
Jared, Katie, Jim - Volunteers-Full Time (Every week, 7:30 am - 12:15 pm)
Rick, Jay - Volunteers (Every third week, 7:30 am- 12:15 pm)
Ralph, Mike P., Andrew - Volunteers-Limited (Every third week, 7:30 am - 10:30 am)
Sue, Cory, Christian, Jason, Kathy, Michael, Mark - Volunteers-11:00 only
Crew For Aug 13, 2006
Here are the crew assignments for Sunday. The Bell choir will be playing at 8 and 11 am.
- Lighting Dir: Rick
- Video Dir: Mike P.
- CG: Jay
- Cameras: Andrew, Christian (8&9:30)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Tech News for August 1
Crew for August 6, 2006 - Team A
Here are the crew assignments for Sunday. We will be taking communion at the altar at all three services.
- Lighting Director: Rick
- CG Operator: Jay
- Video Director: Katie
- Cameras: Cory and Ralph
Technical Arts Picnic Review
For those of you who missed it, this past Sunday was the "Christmas In July" party. We all had a lot of fun eating a lot of food. Thank you to everyone who came and prepared a dish. We also talked about the future of Technical Arts. Several priorities were brought up that need to be improved or addressed;
- Awareness of Technical Arts - People need to know what Tech Arts is and what is it's purpose; what do we do. People who are regular attendees are still surprised to find we record our services on video every week. I will be writing a full page for the church newsletter this month, and putting copies of the Technical arts Brochure on the media cart, and at the entrance to the booth.
- More and expanded training - I challenged volunteers to step out in faith and learn new tasks, and to make efforts to improve the skills they have. Beginning immediately, I invite anyone, especially those who are scheduled this Sunday, to come to Choir rehearsal Wednesday at 7:30 pm. You can try out roles you haven't before, and practice new techniques. I will bee here every week.
- Fundraising/Equipment - We are at a kind of ceiling right now with the equipment we have, but I can see that all of you have grown immensely, and now feel limited by the gear we have. I haven't run anything by leadership, trustees, etc, but I want to meet with anyone who feels called to chair/steer a Fundraiser Committee. Several ideas on how to have one were discussed this past Sunday. Call me or e-mail me if you feel God nudging you to assist with this effort.
New Rotation
There was some confusion at the picnic about the rotation. The new rotation will begin the first Sunday of September (Sept 3, Team B). Current rotation will continue until then. ATTENTION INACTIVE VOLUNTEERS! If you are not currently on a rotation team, please e-mail or call me to join one. We need help. Your commitment is only once every third week.
Thank you all for serving!
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