Wednesday, August 16, 2006

News for August 16 - Crew for August 20


We are one month away from the start of Wednesday night services on September 13. They will run from 6:30-7:45 pm. It will be different from last year, there will be a lot more music and creative elements; a time to just come and be with God in worship. I would really like to build up the crew for the service. The call time would be 6:15. Please come and help out.

Crew For August 20, 2006

Here is the crew for the service. No "strange" or extra elements (that I know of yet). We will be short a camera at all three, and short A LOT of positions at 11:00. Please e-mail me if you can come in extra, or just come up to the booth before service.
  • Lighting: Susan (8 & 9:30)
  • Video Director: Jason (8 & 9:30)
  • CG: Jay D'Errico
  • Camera: Michael Merrick (8 & 9:30)

New Rotation

I will be sending the new rotation in a separate e-mail. I just wanted to to remind you all to please dress appropriately and remember these rules:
  1. Please remember to be in the booth ready to go over the cue sheets at 7:30 AM.
  2. Please be in position at least 5 minutes prior to service time.
  3. If you are unable to make your scheduled day, please call/e-mail other volunteers to find yourself a replacement.

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