News for this week
Reminder that we represent the church
I have recently received comments from several individuals from both inside and outside the team on the appearance and professionalism of our team. As such, I want to re-address the expectations that I have for our team and ministry. Remember that when you come to serve, you are representing the Technical Arts Ministry of the church. Please dress appropriately for ALL church services (not just 9:30), so that you may serve in ANY position needed. Our mission is to glorify God through the creative use of the arts, and not to be a distraction with our appearance, behavior or gear. This means:
- Men - Closed toe shoes please - no flip flops
- Men - Full length pants please - no shorts (men and ladies)
- Polo or collared shirts preferred - no t-shirts with logos (use best judgment)
- Put together appearance - not the "I just rolled out of bed" look
- Please try your best to be on time, not only for the 7:30 call time, but between services as well.
New Rotation
The fall rotation is rapidly approaching and although I prefer not to move people from their team, it will be necessary this time in order to balance out the teams. Many of you are in Sunday School classes at 11:00, and so I have to make sure that I don't have an team of all people who can't work at 11:00, which "C" has become. So I would like to ask a favor of all who are on the e-mail list. If you are currently not on a team, would like to serve at just 11:00 AM ? -OR- Those who are already on a team, would you like to serve during your off weeks at 11:00 only? Please let me know if you are interested in either of these options.
Before finalizing the new rotation, I also want to confirm current volunteer availability. Please respond that your time available is correct:
- Volunteers-Captains (Every third week, 7:00 am - 12:15 pm)
Jared, Katie, Jim - Volunteers-Full Time (Every week, 7:30 am - 12:15 pm)
Rick, Jay - Volunteers (Every third week, 7:30 am- 12:15 pm)
Ralph, Mike P., Andrew - Volunteers-Limited (Every third week, 7:30 am - 10:30 am)
Sue, Cory, Christian, Jason, Kathy, Michael, Mark - Volunteers-11:00 only
Crew For Aug 13, 2006
Here are the crew assignments for Sunday. The Bell choir will be playing at 8 and 11 am.
- Lighting Dir: Rick
- Video Dir: Mike P.
- CG: Jay
- Cameras: Andrew, Christian (8&9:30)
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