Sunday, January 29, 2006

Wednesday Night UPDATE!

There was an error in my last e-mail. The Wednesday Service starts at 6:15 PM, not 7:00 PM. The bulletin says 6:30, but there will be a 15 minute prelude each week, so Lights and Cameras will need to be in place sooner.
The Wednesday service will be simpler than Sunday. So there won't really be as much of a need to talk through our cues each week. I hope to see you there!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Wednesday Night February 1, 2006 Crew

Here is the crew For Wednesday Night, February 1, 2006. You need to be in the booth by 6:00 pm, the service begins at 6:15 pm. Please let me know if this won't work for you.
  • Lighting Director: Rick C.
  • Video Director: Jim T.
  • CG Operator: Stuart M.
  • Camera 2: Michael M.
  • All other positions are available on a First Come, First Serve Basis
Wednesday will be a good place to try out roles you haven't tried before. As long as CG is good, everything else will be flexible.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Sunday January 29 Crew (Team A)

Here are the crew assignments for Sunday January 29, 2005.
  • Lighting Director: Rick C.
  • Video Director: Jared Y.
  • CG Operator: Katie M.
  • Camera 1: Tim M.
  • Camera 2: Corey B.
  • Camera 3: Ralph F.

Lighting Work Days Scheduled!

Monday and Tuesday, February 6 & 7, 2005, from 5 PM til 9(ish) PM we will be having lighting work days. Experience is NOT necessary. We will be renting a lift to be able to access the center lights easily. We will also build up scaffolding under the corner lights to access them. Student volunteers can participate, but CAN NOT be on the lift or scaffolding. I will be providing dinner for all of us, so PLEASE RSVP so I have the correct head count. It is NOT necessary to be at both days, but will be very helpful.

At this stage I do not know if we will be able to purchase additional lights, but we will do the best with what we have. I have multiple plans drawn up based on the number of lights, and what areas we can/can not access. The end time will be based on our level of completion or exhaustion. If we do not complete the work in those two nights, we will schedule another night that week.

Optionally, we may do a couple hours of work right after services on Sunday, February 5. We can not work long, since I have to do the Super Bowl setup in the Boys & Girls Club. If you are interested in any of these, please RSVP WHICH ONES you can help with.

Thank you for serving!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

January 22nd Crew Positions

Here are the Crew Positions for January 22nd, 2006. Items of note for the services are that we will be receiving New Members and the United Methodist Women will be giving a brief presentation.
  • Lighting Director: Rick C.
  • Video Director: Jason S.
  • CG Operator: Kathy R.
  • Camera 1: Susan B.
  • Camera 2: Mike P.
  • Camera 3: Michael M.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

New Wednesday Night Experience Announced!

If you were here on Sunday, you heard Rev. Jerry announce our new Wednesday night programs. Here is the schedule you can expect to see.
  • 5:00-6:00 Illumination Corporation - Shelly and the Children's Ministry team will be teach music, dance, tech, etc. during this time, helping the kids to build their God-given gifts. This is an opportunity for us to begin to teach the next generation of Technical Volunteers. I plan on helping out some, but would like one of you to help in this area. Please let me know if you are interested. Obviously, the time will make it impossible for some of you.
  • 5:30-6:30 Casual Dinner in the Gym - No technical requirements, but "You Gotta Eat!"
  • 6:30-7:15-ish Service in the Sanctuary - Jeff and team will lead us through a brief time of "Family" worship for all ages. Then the kids will be dismissed to hear a message from Shelly and team in the gym. If you are available to help turn around the gym setup, please contact Tim at the church.
  • 7:30-?? Choir, Orchestra, & Praise Team Rehearsal - Jeff will continue to have his regular rehearsal in the Sanctuary. If it is the Wednesday before your rotation, and you are a director, please consider making yourself available at this time. Let me know, and I will train you on anything you might have questions on.
Technical Needs for the Service Time
We will at very least need a CG Operator and a Lighting Director. BUT, this would be a great practice/training opportunity for anyone; camera operator, video director, etc. I will design a Wednesday rotation based on the responses I get, so if you'd like to sign up, please e-mail or call me ASAP.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

January 15, 2006 Crew

Here are the crew positions for January 15, 2006.
  • Lighting Director: Jim T.
  • Video Director: Rick C.
  • CG Operator: Jay D.
  • Camera 1: Andrew F.
  • Camera 2: Max S.
  • Camera 3: Christian Y.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Last Minute Change to Jan 8 Crew!

Rick has informed me that he won't be available this Sunday. Here are the new crew assignments!
  • Lighting Director:Jared Y.
  • Video Director: Katie M.
  • CG Operator: Kathy R.
  • Camera 2: Corey Bone
  • Camera 3: Ralph Field

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Crew Position Filled for January 8

Kathy R. has volunteered to cover for Tim on Sunday.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Words to Ponder

Unless the gospel is preached with contemporary relevance it has not been preached.
 - Martin Luther (1483-1546)

January 8, 2006 Crew

Services return to normal times. Call time is 7:30 am.
  • Lighting Director: Rick C.
  • Video Director: Jared Y.
  • Camera 1: Corey B.
  • Camera 2: Katie M.
  • Camera 3: Ralph F.
P.S. Jared, please come and pick up a rehearsal CD from me.