Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Summer: Crew for 7/4 - Stuffing Party - July 2 Info

Crew for Sunday, June 4, 2006

This is the first week of the Summer Teams. The bells are playing at 8 & 11.
  • Lighting Director: Sue
  • Video Director: OPEN
  • CG: Jay
  • Camera 1: OPEN
  • Camera 2: Ralph
  • Camera 3: Corey
You will see a lot of OPEN slots over the summer. Please RSVP if you would like to come in on extra weeks. And please take responsibility to find a replacement for yourself if you can't make your weekend.

Other Events

Wednesday, May 31 - TOMORROW!

People of Passion assembly (aka stuffing) party. Bring a snack to share. Wednesday at 7 pm in rooms S1&2. We'll watch it while we put together the packages. I can't do this without you!

Monday, June 5, 2006 - July 2 Creative Meeting

We'll bring together ideas and start to formulate the visuals for the service in more detail. All are invited who would like to contribute, even if you don't think you're creative.

July 2, 2006 Crew

There will be only one service on July 2 at 9:00 am. Call time will be 8:15. I will be making that weekend a "special" team, instead of the regularly scheduled team. Please let me know ASAP if you can help, and what position you would like to serve in.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Crew For May 28 and People of Passion Info

In an attempt to (ironically) not fill your e-mail boxes up with messages, I am going to write one message this week. (I was trying to format the text and accidentally clicked "send" on the last message)

Crew for May 28, 2006 (Spring Team C)

  • Lighting Director: Sue
  • Video Director: Jason
  • CG: Kathy
  • Camera 1: Jay
  • Camera 2: Michael
  • Camera 3: OPEN

"People of Passion" Assembly Party

Please join us to help duplicate and assemble packaging for the "People of Passion" CDs and DVDs next Wednesday, May 31 at 7:00 pm in room S1&S-2. I will provide drinks. Please bring a snack to share. I expect it to take a couple hours at the most.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sunday May 14 Crew

Here is the crew for Sunday. Katie and Sue switched, so Sue will be here instead. NOTE: I will only need a couple of you for the 9:30. The Children's ministry is performing a musical that is the whole service, and they are "Tech" for everything except Video Director. (Also, Rick and Sue, you can switch if you want.)
  • Lighting Director:           Rick
  • Video Director:              Sue
  • CG Operator:                Jay
  • Camera 1:                     Cory
  • Camera 2:                     Time
  • Camera 3:                     Ralph
If anyone wants to learn a new position at 8 or 11, this would be a good week for "apprentices." I.E., if you want to learn lights instead of run camera.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

July 2 Creative Team Reminder

Just a reminder, that we will be having a July 2 creative meeting on Monday, May 15 at 6:30 in S1&2. I will have some form of draft cue sheet ready by then. PLEASE RSVP so I have enough copies of stuff. If the front door is locked, try the side door by my office.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Crew for Sunday May 7 - And we need help

Jason called me today to tell me he can't be here on Sunday, so we have an opening for anyone who wants to fill in. You need to be able to do Lights, Video Director, or Camera. Please post to the Blog if you can fill in. This way everyone can see who responded.
  • Lighting Director:           Rick or OPEN
  • Video Director:              Stuart or Rick or OPEN
  • CG Operator:                Kathy
  • Camera 1:                    OPEN
  • Camera 2:                     Mike
  • Camera 3:                     Michael
  • Video Operator:            Jay
And don't forget to let me know your least/most favorites, etc. See here, or:

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Attention Volunteers

Hey all you in-active people on this e-mail list!
We need your help! Every Sunday a very dedicated crew comes in and runs the three services. It takes 8 people to fully staff the tech crew each week. And right now we average 6. Please come to the booth some Sunday and check us out! The commitment is for three months, once every three weeks. That only comes to 5 TURNS! Come on, YOU CAN DO IT! It's easy to trade on weeks when you're gone. E-mail me if you have questions.
Also consider serving at our CD sale cart, or making CD copies on Sunday mornings. Its easy!
Active Volunteers!
To all of you on rotation, you are probably waiting to see if I get the new rotation published on time this quarter. Well, I plan to, but I need your help! Teams are growing, and I hope they continue to grow. But I don't feel like they are very well-balanced, skill wise, so I have a few questions for you:
  • What is your favorite crew position?
  • What is your least-favorite crew position?
  • What position do you feel you are best at?
  • What position do you feel you are worst at (out of the positions you've done)?
  • What position(s) have you never (or rarely) done, and would like to try?
Please e-mail me