Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The more we grow...

My senior pastor, Jamie westlake, forwarded this to our staff:

…words for us to consider from Mark Batterson in the midst of our growth. What do we need to pay attention to when we are doing well? Great question. Here’s what one pastor thinks.

Have a great day,


Just thought I'd share the ten reminders I shared at Healing Place in their staff meeting. Think of them as a gut check for growing churches. These are personal reflections on our journey @ NCC.

The more we grow...

1) ...the greater the PRIVILEGE. I never want myself or anyone on our staff to have a sense of entitlement. We're only servants--I Cor. 3:5.

2) ...the more COMPLICATED things get. Sin complicates your life in negative ways. Growth complicates your life in positive ways. Learn to thank God for complications!

3) ...the harder it is to maintain UNITY. Vision is the key to unity! The larger you get the more frequently you need to cast vision. Unity doesn't happen by default--Eph 4:3.

4) ...the better STEWARDS we need to be. Growth raises the stakes. With greater responsibility comes greater accountability.

5) ...the more ABOVE REPROACH we need to be. I Corinthians 10:23 says, "Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial." As our leadership expands, there can be an unhealthy and unholy tendency toward the permissible end of the spectrum! Guard against it. As our influence expands, leaders need to move toward the beneficial end of that spectrum!

6) ...the easier it is to exist for those who ALREADY BELONG. As a church grows it is very easy to give in to centripetal force--we become inward-focused and ingrown. The Great Commission is centrifugal--go into all the world.

7) ...the easier it is to do ministry out of MEMORY instead of ministry out of IMAGINATION. The beginning of the end for every entreprenurial organization is the moment they stop doing what got them to where they are! You need to keep making mistakes. You need to keep experimenting. Don't repeat the past. Create the future!

8) ...the more we have to remind ourselves of WHY we're doing what we're doing and WHO we're doing it for. There is a fine line between building Thy Kingdom and My Kingdom. As your circle of influence grows, you need to stay Christ-centered.

9) ...the more you have to guard your heart. As you grow, so does the target on your back. Leaders need to keep a pure heart in the midst of criticism and temptation. The blessings of God backfire when they produce pride. Stay humble.

10) ...the bigger our DREAMS need to get. The size of our dreams is one of the best barometers of spiritual maturity. People with a big God have big dreams!

Jeff and Debbie Say Thanks

Here is a video I did for this past Sunday.
Description: The music and choir director of FUMC Brandon thanks the congregation for their support during his recovery from a serious brain hemorrhage (subarachnoid type).

Edited by Stuart Mackey. (c) FUMC Brandon and Stuart Mackey.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Re: Tech News for the Week of June 8-14

And I meant to mention -
Jeff will be out about another week so he can receive another scan. Once he's home, Debbie will let the church family know how best to serve them. Until then, cards are the best thing you can send. They can be sent to Jeff and Debbie's house. Call Desi, Debbie or the church office for the address.

Tech News for the Week of June 8-14

This coming Sunday is Team C. We welcome Jim to Team C this week.
  • Lighting Director: Ralph L.
  • Video Director: Mike M.
  • CG: Katie
  • Cameras: Deb, Denise and Jim (training)
Also, don't forget the training and rehearsal opportunities the next three Wednesdays - those leading up to the June 28 "Patriotic Program." We will have practice during the choir practice time 7:30-9:00 p.m.

And check your Vacation calendars and make sure you check that you aren't taking vacation on your Sunday. If you are, please e-mail me ASAP and I'll send out an e-mail asking for someone to trade.

Vacation Bible School
If you aren't working days and are interested in helping with any part of VBS, July 13-17. The opportunities are as follows (times approx)
  • Crew for opening session; 8:30-9:30 a.m. (full crew, CG, Cams, lights, etc.)
  • Videographer for events; 9:00-11:45 a.m. Video tape the happenings all over campus
  • Crew for closing session; 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.; Full crew needed
  • Editor; times open, afternoons are best. Learn to edit with Premier Pro and create the highlight video for VBS.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

[Fwd: Tech Team new for June 1-7, 2009]

fn:Stuart Mackey
org:Mackey Productions
adr:;;5409 Lindburg St;Riverview;FL;33578;USA
tel;cell:(813) 495-8379

Sunday, June 7 is Team B
A new volunteer - Jim - will be joining us to learn tech. Let us welcome him and make him feel at home. We will also have a special Duet with Katie and Sarah.

  • Lighting: Jim
  • Video Director: Stuart
  • CG: Lisa
  • Cameras, Fred and Denise
June 28 "Patriotic" Program
We are in need of a few extra crew for the June 28 worship services (Team B). final dress rehearsal will be June 24 at 7:30 p.m. If you are available for the rehearsal, please e-mail me. Please pick up a CD in the booth. Any earlier Wednesday rehearsals would be a help as well. (See next Item.)

Tech Training
Starting June 10, I will offer regular training on Wednesday nights 7:30-9:00 to coincide with Jeff's Choir rehearsal. Please e-mail ahead of time and let me know what position you would like training with: CG, Lights, Camera, or Video Director.

Office Assistance Needed
Janeen will be out of town next week (June 8-11). If you are available any days next week to come to the office and help make CD and DVD copies or prepare MediaShout, it would be greatly appreciated. Making the copies is actually pretty easy. Please let me know if you can help and what day, and I'll get back with you about working with my schedule.

New Cue Sheets
You've all had a turn since we adopted the new cue sheet format. Please e-mail any feedback you might have. Also, I have been forgetting to mention, but individual song sheets have been in the front pocket of each binder for "non-congregational" songs with notes about solos, etc. (i.e. offertories). I am sorry that I have been forgetting to mention it. There are also lots of other helpful notes in that pocket that are position specific.

Coming Soon -
MediaShout Version 4
I will soon be upgrading all CG computers to MediaShout 4. All current songs, etc will automatically be migrated to the new version. Training announcements to follow.
Vacation Bible School
Shooters and Editors needed July 13-17, 8:30-12:15.

Very pretty song and cool video

Mike McCall sent me this link. It is a very pretty song and very well filmed. Make sure you watch it all the way through.
This is driving me nuts! One take or multiple takes to get all the shots?