Tuesday, June 02, 2009

[Fwd: Tech Team new for June 1-7, 2009]

fn:Stuart Mackey
org:Mackey Productions
adr:;;5409 Lindburg St;Riverview;FL;33578;USA
tel;cell:(813) 495-8379

Sunday, June 7 is Team B
A new volunteer - Jim - will be joining us to learn tech. Let us welcome him and make him feel at home. We will also have a special Duet with Katie and Sarah.

  • Lighting: Jim
  • Video Director: Stuart
  • CG: Lisa
  • Cameras, Fred and Denise
June 28 "Patriotic" Program
We are in need of a few extra crew for the June 28 worship services (Team B). final dress rehearsal will be June 24 at 7:30 p.m. If you are available for the rehearsal, please e-mail me. Please pick up a CD in the booth. Any earlier Wednesday rehearsals would be a help as well. (See next Item.)

Tech Training
Starting June 10, I will offer regular training on Wednesday nights 7:30-9:00 to coincide with Jeff's Choir rehearsal. Please e-mail ahead of time and let me know what position you would like training with: CG, Lights, Camera, or Video Director.

Office Assistance Needed
Janeen will be out of town next week (June 8-11). If you are available any days next week to come to the office and help make CD and DVD copies or prepare MediaShout, it would be greatly appreciated. Making the copies is actually pretty easy. Please let me know if you can help and what day, and I'll get back with you about working with my schedule.

New Cue Sheets
You've all had a turn since we adopted the new cue sheet format. Please e-mail any feedback you might have. Also, I have been forgetting to mention, but individual song sheets have been in the front pocket of each binder for "non-congregational" songs with notes about solos, etc. (i.e. offertories). I am sorry that I have been forgetting to mention it. There are also lots of other helpful notes in that pocket that are position specific.

Coming Soon -
MediaShout Version 4
I will soon be upgrading all CG computers to MediaShout 4. All current songs, etc will automatically be migrated to the new version. Training announcements to follow.
Vacation Bible School
Shooters and Editors needed July 13-17, 8:30-12:15.

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