Monday, July 27, 2009

Cell phones in church

From Pastor Jamie:

This was actually played a ta church I used to serve. I probably would have vetoed this offering!

Pastor Jamie


Friday, July 17, 2009

Help Needed - Covered

Jim has volunteered to cover Camera this Sunday.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Help Wanted

Help is still needed for this coming Sunday to cover for Denise on Camera. Please e-mail if you are available.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Tech news for VBS and Sunday July 19

Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School continues throughout the week. We are in need of more help at the opening sessions (8:45-9:30 a.m.) every day. Please come up to the booth if you can help. Also, Friday night there is a closing session in the chapel. We need a minimum of two - sound and CG. A camera operator is optional.
Sunday, July 19
This Sunday is Team B. Help will be needed as Denise takes a much deserved Sunday off.
  • Lighting Director: Jim
  • CG: Lisa
  • Video Director: Stuart
  • Cameras: Fred and OPEN - Help Wanted!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Tech News and Sunday July 12 Crew

Sunday July 12 is Team A. Even though it is 2nd Sunday, there will be no Bell Choir.
  • Lighting Director: Mike M.
  • Video Director: Andrew
  • CG: Dave
  • Cameras: Denise and Hal
Willow Creek Leadership Summit
August 6 & 7 is the Willow Creek Leadership Summit Simulcast, hosted locally at Van Dyke UMC in Lutz. It is an all day (8-5) event. The church is taking a large group of leaders to the conference and spots are still available. If you lead anywhere - church, work, your family - you should go to this awesome event with Leaders from the business and church community. Contact Dan Palmer at the church office to sign up and for pricing info.

Tech T-Shirts (sort of)
A company called Midnight Oil Productions makes "Media Ministry" t-shirts and hats. The church doesn't have money to buy you all your own shirts right now, but you can order your own, if you like. Check out Media Ministry shirts (and matching hats) here. "Media ministry is like a sport. Look the part!"

Webcasting works
Here is an excerpt from a blog that Pastor Matt forwarded to me: (

Great weekend at NCC. The highlight? A guy caught me between services at Union Station. It was his first visit, but he's been watching the webcast. Told me that he grew up in church but had been on a long prodigal journey. After watching a webcast he rededicated his life to Christ.

I love our webcast for a couple reasons. First of all, I feel like it's a safe way to listen to a dangerous message. There is something about watching on webcast that defuses defense mechanisms. I also think it's a great way to visit a church. You get a thin slice of what that church is like. It's a sample or taste test if you will. We're finding that more and more people watch the webcast before visiting in person. It's one of our side doors at NCC.
-Mark Batterson (Emphasis author's -S.M.)
Thanks for all that you ALL do to make worship what it is in the sanctuary and around the world!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

A learning opportunity... Monday July 6

I will be doing a video shoot Monday night at the Westlake home of Denise's student small group for an upcoming message. If you want to learn how all that stuff gets set up – lights, camera, sound, etc. – please e-mail me ASAP. It will be a "first-reply, first-serve" basis. I don't need a full crew to come with me over to the Westlake house – one or two assistants at the most.

It would be about 6 p.m. to 8-ish p.m. I could potentially pick up a student who wants to help, but probably better if you could get your parent to drive.

I look forward to teaching you!


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Can you help extra this Sunday?

Ralph has informed me that he will be unable to serve this Sunday. I had scheduled Jim to learn lights, so if there is a person who can fill in on lights AND train Jim at the same time, it would be greatly appreciated.

Ralph has said he would trade with whoever covered his position.
