Monday, April 27, 2009

News for the week of 4/26 and Sunday 5/3


GFU is Friday a 7:00 p.m., with a 6:45 call time. Sorry for the confusion.
Thursday rehearsal is still at 6:30

Here is the crew for GFU:

* CG: Dave
* Camera: Denise
* Sound: Stuart

Sunday is May 3 - Team C. Here is the crew:

* Lighting Dir.: Ralph L.
* Video Director: Mike M.
* CG: Dave (trading with Katie)
* Cameras: Deb and Denise

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Help Help! We have no camera operators!

I received e-mail this morning that my one camera operator for this Sunday
is not available. Please help! Even if you can only do one service, it would
be appreciated! Let me know by e-mail, or text or call 813-495-8379.

Also coming up;

God Family and U Service- May 1

We need help with the May 1 GFU service on Camera, CG, and sound. Please
contact me if you can help. There is also a mandatory rehearsal for Sound
and CG on Thursday night.

Music Ministry Golf Tournament

The music Ministry Golf tournament is Saturday May 2 at Bloomingdale Golf
Course. We need videographers to document the event. This is a great way to
learn to "shoot" so let me know if you are interested ASAP.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tech News and Crew For April 26

This Sunday is April 26; Team B. Denise is not available so we need another
camera operator, please.

* Lighting: Jim
* Video: Stuart
* CG: Lisa
* Cameras: Fred and OPEN

And as Jamie mentioned Sunday it is volunteer appreciation week. Thank you,
thank you, and thank you!!! I think that it is quite clear that much of what
our ministry does would be simply impossible without all of you


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tech news - 4/16/2009

Sunday's Crew - Team A

This coming Sunday things are "back to normal." Come early and have
pancakes! But we'll still meet at 7:30 in the booth.

Tech Team A

* Andrew Fuller

* Denise Westlake

* Dave Simone

* Hal Warren

* Mike McCall

GFU is coming!

The Last GFU of the season is May 1, with the standard mandatory CG and
sound rehearsal on April 30. We need CG, one camera, and sound. Please let
me know if you are interested in helping.

May 10 Dave needs a trade

Kudos to Dave for sending me an early notice. He would like to trade with
someone on CG to take his place on May 10. Please e-mail me back if you can

Monday, April 06, 2009

Crews and Rehearsal Schedules For April 9, 10 & 12

First, a clarification. When you receive an e-mail with [Event Reminder] in
the subject line, it is automatically generated by MemberConnect. I create
those events in advance and they automatically are sent out at the intervals
I assigned. But as we all know, things can change at the last minute.

So below are the FINAL crew assignments. Thank you to all who volunteered,
but we had more than enough help for Thursday night. I also tried to assign
people that were going to be at both services to the same position in order
to simplify rehearsal, and not confuse you (i.e. "Am I camera or spot

If you can not make rehearsal, your availability has changed, or I made a
mistake, please let me know ASAP.

Easter Sunday Crew

Rehearsal is 7-8 p.m. Wednesday; 6:45 call time (earlier if you need
training/remedial training on a position)

* Producer/Video Director: Stuart
* Lighting Director: Jim
* CG: Katie
* Cameras: Denise, Deb and Ralph
* No Spot Lights on Easter

Thursday Living Last Supper Crew

Rehearsal is from 8-9-ish p.m. Wednesday, if you are only one Thursday crew,
please be here right at 8.

* Producer: Stuart
* Video Director/TD: Jared
* Lighting Director: Jim
* CG: Katie
* Cameras: Deb, Denise and Hal
* Spots: Mike and Andrew